European economists and investors are reportedly concerned about the revelation, as it shows that the Rajoy government has been reducing borrowing costs by utilizing proceeds from another government entity – effectively, Spain is monetizing its own debt.
Bartering, it seems, has filled a void for people who have goods to trade but lack a form of income that would provide them with euros.
According to various media reports, the recently approved legislation was the result of tense negotiations between U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.
One major concern, experts told Bloomberg, is that these companies can’t guarantee that there will be a fair assessment performed by potential investors.
As part of its efforts to regain its financial position, the bank stated that it would be forcing shareholders – many of whom are Spanish citizens – to accept significant losses on their investments.
Due to Japan’s importance in the global economy, both as a major center of finance and technology businesses, volatility in its bond markets could cause a rippling effect in other areas.
News reports from the Italian media have stated in recent days that, despite his official resignation, so-called technocrat Mario Monti, who has served as prime minister since Silvio Berlusconi stepped down, has expressed a willingness to continue serving.