When it was announced earlier in the year that US Airways Group Inc. and American Airlines would merge, it appeared that the world’s largest airline – by a very large margin – would soon be taking a stranglehold over the industry.
According to the latest housing demand report from real estate industry analytics group Redfin, autumn 2013 seems to be bucking annual trends in terms of how many Americans are looking at new properties.
Economic analysts across the country were stunned Thursday, November 7, when the Commerce Department released its third quarter National Income and Product Accounts Gross Domestic Product Report.
In the latest string of once-venerable American companies failing to adapt to the changing ways of the currently volatile economy climate, Blockbuster Video announced on November 6 that their few remaining retail outlets will officially shutter by year’s end.
The latest Case-Shiller Indexes from Standard & Poor’s and CoreLogic – two industry analytics groups – show that in most of the country, property values are on the rise, which is great news for anyone interested in investing in real estate.
The latest employment change report from ADP shows that only 130,000 workers began receiving paychecks over the past month, which is significantly below analysts expectations of 150,000.
One of the Democratic Party’s primary goals in the 2012 presidential election was to take a crack at the GOP’s majority in the House of Representatives.
A janitorial services company in the Chicago region recently implemented work hours cuts in order to avoid having to offer workers insurance coverage, as mandated by Obamacare. In response, members of the Service Employees International Union Local 1 are going on strike in opposition.
$24 billion. This is the rough estimate for how much money the government shutdown cost the United States economy.