With panic swirling in global markets about China’s alleged liquidity problems, it’s easy to forget about the other looming challenge on the other side of the planet: Europe.
It’s no secret that national economies across the globe have had a particularly trying decade, as Recession that rocked the United States and continued uncertainty in the Eurozone have left millions of people in worse financial situations than they had been, even before the most recent administration.
One of the major criticisms levied against the Affordable Care Act, also known more popularly as Obamacare, is that as a result of its wide web of regulations, premiums on personal health insurance options could rise dramatically.
It remains unclear as to how long capital controls will be enforced in Cyprus, or if this policy will be extended to other troubled European nations or countries elsewhere in the world.
At the heart of the current crisis is a lack of investor confidence in the ability of financial authorities to calmly resolve funding crises.
The message is “This is the next evolution of trading” This brings the trading floor to one’s own living room; everyone is aware of the concept, ‘ELIMINATE THE MIDDLE MAN’. We have done that and the people you know will benefit financially …
Cyprus’s yearly output is approximately 20 billion euros, according to Deutsche Bank, yet its banks hold total assets equal to roughly the same amount.
While the U.S. dollar holds a different position than the German mark once did in the global marketplace, there are some potential threats to to the American currency that could create problems for both investors and average citizens.