Report from Peter Degraaf. It explains many positive indicators for the precious metals market.
There have been many flaws in the rollout of President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act (ACA) – affectionately and ruefully pegged “Obamacare” by supporters and critics, respectively.
Coming off of what many have labeled the worst year of his already bruised administration, President Barack Obama has been on a public relations marathon over the past week, making desperate speeches to appeal to his dwindling fanbase.
Every hardworking American dreams about someday leaving the workforce in order to enjoy a well-earned retirement. However, with the national economy on increasingly rocky footing over the past decade, that prospect has become harder and harder for many in the United States to attain.
Monday marked a significant change at the helm of two government bodies that are currently responsible for steering the housing market – and, in major ways, the entire national economy – out of the doldrums of the all-too-recent Great Recession.
David Morgan’s 2014 Silver Survival Guide:
My CPA just passed this information on to me that I though would be helpful for those dealing with asset capitalization Recently, the Internal Revenue Service issued final tangible property capitalization regulations. These regulations provide clarity to a complex area of tax …
On Thursday, December 5, lawmakers and diplomats on Capitol Hill listened closely as U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew gave a prepared speech in an effort to alleviate fears that current financial regulations stateside will impede upon potentially lucrative trade deals with other nations.