Since the government shutdown began last week, Republicans and Democrats have been trading the blame over the political impasse that now threatens to plunge the nation into default.
The Joint Strike Fighter (JSF), also known as the F-35, has been a source of continued problems for the U.S. government since the fifth-generation jet fighter program was initiated over 10 years ago.
The U.S. government has been shut down.
As bad as the political situation in the United States can get, American politicians can’t hold a candle to what’s happening in Italy.
During a joint appearance with former president Bill Clinton at a Clinton Global Initiative (GBI) get-together, President Barack Obama admitted that the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, has led to an increase in costs for certain parts of the economy.
As the United States hurtles toward a government shutdown, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has published its initial estimates for what the different types of coverage will cost consumers when they head to the state-based insurance exchanges.
Here at Great Wealth Strategies, one of the alternative investment ideas we advocate is cash flow real estate.
While the American mainstream media has forgotten about the minor bump in the global economic road known as the Eurozone, European leaders have struggled to fend off new and more complex threats as the continent’s economy continues to derail.
This past week has been a tumultuous one for the national economy, as analysts have been consistently thrown for a loop by the latest housing market figures and rhetoric from both the Executive Branch and the Federal Reserve.