If true, these developments could mean that many part-time workers could see their hours cut significantly, which may have an adverse effect on the U.S. economy.
The constitutionality of the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform law is being questioned by the attorney generals of at least 11 U.S. states, according to various news sources.
After discussing a spate of new jobs initiatives and a desire to encourage domestic manufacturing, President Obama turned to a topic that many Congressional Republications are loathe to discuss in the wake of the fiscal cliff deal: taxes.
Reports from the U.S. government this week have revealed a significant development in the global economy: China has now surpassed the United States in terms of total trading volume.
A Bloomberg News report published on January 24 showed the total amount of assets held by the central bank reached $3 trillion, most of it in the form of MBS and Treasuries.
UTAH Tuesday! Meet Ed Barsano – Be my Guest Erik Henyon link has location and presentation information. https://greatwealthstrategies.com/site/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/CTP-Utah-State-Founders-Tour-Flyer-2-12-13.pdf
In spite of recent efforts by the Obama administration and Congress, recent publications from the U.S. Treasury Department forecast a grim possibility: that within a decade, interest payments on American governmental debt will exceed $750 billion per year.
The U.S. government is pursuing Standard & Poor’s, the international ratings agency, for purported improprieties during the financial crisis that may have resulted in billions of dollars in losses.