Americans have begun to assume that another leak related to the nation’s surveillance network is just around the corner and, this week, folks with that mindset were not disappointed.
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This latest political headache comes just weeks before President Barack Obama is scheduled to visit Berlin and hold talks with Merkel. Even top-level ministers in the German coalition government are speaking out against what they call a return to Soviet-era surveillance practices.
The Guardian, a U.K.-based news source, broke the original story on Project PRISM and, later, published an extensive interview with Snowden.
In its disclosure, the source showed that the Obama administration has continued some of the shadiest Bush administration policies as the War on Terror has evolved in the wake of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.
According to Die Zeit, a German-language newspaper, the investigation will focus on the balance sheets of up to 140 banks throughout the eurozone, especially those in France, Italy and Spain.
Despite the claim of being one of the most transparent administrations in modern American history, the Obama White House continues to reveal just how cloistered it really is.