I am still stuck on this incredible software. It has been returning around 20% a month for me. As of march 1st the bonus’ will be be gone and the software will come with just 1 year of free data feeds and …
Hoping to illustrate the economic dangers that the U.S. budget sequestration poses, the Obama administration published an outline on February 24 that detailed how the cuts would specifically impact the state of Georgia.
Without consistent inspections, meatpackers won’t be able to do business as efficiently, which could cut profits and hurt the wider economy.
Given the relatively large private defense sector in the United States, these cuts could create unpredictable consequences for the U.S. economy as a result of 800,000 consumers seeing significant reductions in their pay.
According to the results from last month, the level of freight utilization in the United States was down significantly during January.
Last week, Bloomberg News acquired a set of emails exchanged between top-level Wal-Mart executives that revealed a sobering reality about the mega-store’s future business prospects.
If true, these developments could mean that many part-time workers could see their hours cut significantly, which may have an adverse effect on the U.S. economy.
The constitutionality of the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform law is being questioned by the attorney generals of at least 11 U.S. states, according to various news sources.