My CPA just passed this information on to me that I though would be helpful for those dealing with asset capitalization Recently, the Internal Revenue Service issued final tangible property capitalization regulations. These regulations provide clarity to a complex area of tax …
By: Alexander Green, Chief Investment Strategist, The Oxford Club Last week Forbes came out with its 2014 Investment Guide. The cover promises “365 Ways to Get Rich.” I plowed through all of them. Some ideas were excellent and insightful. Others were dreadful …
It has been a landmark week for automaker General Motors (GM), as the company has not only seen major shakeups with its management of late but also big news regarding quite possibly its biggest investor – the U.S. government.
On Thursday, December 5, lawmakers and diplomats on Capitol Hill listened closely as U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew gave a prepared speech in an effort to alleviate fears that current financial regulations stateside will impede upon potentially lucrative trade deals with other nations.
If you are worried that your investments, and subsequently your retirement, could be at risk as the market enters 2014, look into your wealth preservation options to gird your finances against potential pratfalls in the new year.
For many Americans, Black Friday and Cyber Monday are as important and patriotic holidays as the Thanksgiving feast that precedes them.
It seems like over the past decade, the so-called “American Dream” of getting married, having kids and successfully purchasing a house has been harder and harder for most citizens to attain.
Will there ever be stability in the mortgage market? That is what many real estate analysts are asking themselves, as the latest data from government-backed mortgage securer Freddie Mac indicates that interest rates have reversed their upward trend over the past several weeks, dropping in the week ending November 21.
While the housing market is far from returning to its pre-recession highs, there do seem to be a few bright spots on the horizon in terms of the country’s short-term real estate picture.