As many investors know, the past several years have not been kind to the Old Continent.
According to a report from Reuters, some in the industry think that market participants had bought shares and options expecting a Romney victory.
A new report from the government-sponsored lending group Freddie Mac suggests that demand from renters for living spaces will continue rising over the next few years.
Following the historic Hurricane Sandy, economists and pundits from both sides of the mainstream media started debating whether or not the storm would negatively impact the national economy.
Back in the old days, only a few hundred thousand of the wealthiest Americans were subject to these levies.
However, there are dangers inherent in this system that investors should be aware of. They may not know it, but the supposed stability promised by ETF firms is not as rock-solid as they claim.
These incomes declined 17 percent, or from approximately $53,000 to $44,000, between 2007 and 2010.